On this page

  1. Why see your GP first?
  2. Preparing for your GP visit
  3. Specialist referrals

Why see your GP first?   

Your GP is often referred to as your "first point of call" for healthcare concerns. Here's why:

  • They’re familiar with your medical history, allowing them to understand your individual needs and provide more personalised care
  • They can refer you to specialists or order necessary tests for further evaluation

Preparing for your GP visit

To make the most of your appointment:

  • Make a list of your concerns by writing down your symptoms, duration, and any relevant factors that might influence your health
  • Bring with you any recent test results, medications you're taking, or past diagnoses
  • Prepare any questions you have, and don't hesitate to ask your GP anything you're unsure about
  • Arrive early to give yourself time to check-in and complete any necessary paperwork

Specialist referrals 

Being referred to a specialist is a key part of the process of going to hospital, but it can be a daunting situation.

It’s important to remember that you can ask your GP questions about this process, including;

  • Why they recommend this specific specialist based on your medical condition
  • To compare costs and locations, ask for two or three specialist recommendations, or request an unnamed specialist or a practice referral for broader options
  • If they can confirm that the specialist they are referring you to is in Police Health Access Gap Program
    Find out more information about our Access Gap Program
Please note

Some content on this web page is obtained from external sources. Although we make every effort to ensure information is correct at the time of publication, we accept no responsibility for its accuracy. Health-related articles are intended for general information only and should not be interpreted as medical advice - please consult your doctor. By opening, viewing or using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and unreservedly accept these Terms & Conditions 

Take the next step

There's more to learn about going to hospital, and how Police Health can help.

Step 2: Check your cover

If you’ve increased your cover when joining Police Health, you may have still waiting periods on some procedures.

Step 3: Know the costs

Now that you know what you’re covered for, it’s important to get your head around what you may have to pay for.

Step 4: Visit a specialist

Now that you’re aware of the potential costs of your upcoming hospital stay, it’s time to find the right specialist.

Step 5: Choose a hospital

Choosing which hospital you go to is a big benefit of private health insurance.