We constantly strive to improve the quality of our products, processes and services at Police Health. We value your feedback as an important part of this process.

If you would like to pass on feedback or raise a complaint, please get in touch and our dedicated customer service officers will work to resolve the problem. Their supervisor will also be available to discuss any concerns, and if necessary, your complaint will be elevated further to the senior manager.

Contact Us

Private Health Insurance Ombudsman

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your enquiry, you can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman who provides an independent service for consumers with health insurance problems and enquiries.

To contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman:
P:  1300 362 072
W: https://www.ombudsman.gov.au/

Have questions about how private health insurance works?
For general information about private health insurance visit www.privatehealth.gov.au